I Missed an Exit Point.
What would you do if you were told you just missed one of your predetermined exits from this lifetime? Sylvia Brown says we pick a few exit points for each lifetime.
I missed one the summer of 2012.
An angel intuitive told me that I was “saved by the scruff of my neck” a few times by my guardian angel, Daniel.
My first thought when she told me this was, “Hmmm. Well. I have not really done anything too crazy to put myself in that kind of danger. It probably is because you do not recognize the danger since nothing happened.”

The summer of 2012 brought the opportunity to take my kids to Hawaii with my parents and a few siblings. It was a nice time.
During a past life regression a few weeks ago, I visited the in between life state of Heaven. There, I am able to visit with my spirit guides. We often have friendly banter.
After one of my lifetimes, I re-experienced my death. Once I entered the light, my guardian angel, Daniel, greeted me. Daniel patted me on the back and said, “I could not save you this time.” In response, I asked, “At what time did you save me previously?” I thought I would be shown some previous happening in the past life I just re-experienced. That was not the case. I was shown the day in Hawaii that we visited the Olivine Pools (a hike off the main road to Hana, Maui).
Hiking boots were necessary to climb down to this somewhat hidden area formed by lava. As I walked over towards the naturally formed pools, I was close to the water’s edge. I did not think I was in any danger since the ocean water level was 15-20 feet below the edge. I watched several people walk before me across this same path without concern.
I walked this same path grasping my 3-year-old niece’s hand. Just then, a large wave hit us. It went up to at least my knees. I stood only a few feet from the ocean’s edge, but my feet felt firmly planted on the lava rocks.
My sister ran down towards me, frantically screaming, “Get out of there! Get out of there!” It was as though time stood still. Another large wave never hit this spot, but I was shaken enough to not feel comfortable the rest of the day. Something was unsettled in me. I never knew what. I ruined my favorite hiking boots (the same ones that traveled with me in Paris).
Daniel showed me that he held my feet and helped me stay steady through the wave. He showed me a vision of what could have happened. I could have been swept away, knocking my head on the rocks just below while drowning, then swept out into the Pacific Ocean. (Yes, it was a little unsettling.)
Here I am, still … living. I missed that exit point. It is so nice to feel so much unconditional love from my spirit guide.
Daniel intervened so I would not die. “You are healing, learning so much,” he said, “We did not want to stop that.” It brings tears to my eyes.
I thank him.
This interaction makes life something to really look forward to now. I know I have more to learn and experience in this life. I am looking forward to it all.