Chapter 18 is, to me, the most important chapter in my book, Making True Love—Healing Relationship Patterns Through Past Life Regression. In the next several posts, a gift from my heart to you, are the lists found in Chapter 18 of Making True Love.
Please read through these lists to find some insight in, hopefully, a past relationship. These lists are to help you become acutely aware of abusive relationship warning signs.
If you are in an abusive relationship currently, I hope this motivates you or inspires you to find the courage to stand your ground, take your confidence back, and leave.
- Does he/she report having been physically or psychologically abused as a child?
- Was his/her mother battered by the father?
- Has he/she been known to display violence against other people?
- Does he/she play with guns and use them for protection against other people?
- Does he/she lose his/her temper frequently and more easily than seems necessary?
- Does he/she commit acts of violence against objects and things rather than people?
- Does he/she drink alcohol excessively?
- Does he/she display an unusual amount of jealousy when you are not with him/her? Is he/she jealous of significant other people in your life?
- Does he/she expect you to spend all of your free time with him/her or to keep him/her informed of your whereabouts?
- Does he/she become enraged when you do not listen to his/her advice?
- Does he/she appear to have a dual personality?
- Is there a sense of overkill in his/her cruelty or in his/her kindness?
- Do you get a sense of fear when he/she becomes angry with you?
- Does NOT making him/her angry become an important part of your behavior?
- Does he/she have rigid ideas of what people should do that are determined by male or female sex-role stereotypes?
- Do you think or feel you are being battered? If so, the probability is high that you are a battered person and should seek help immediately.
These clues are certainly not definite signs that a man or woman is a batterer, only that he/she has the potential to become one.
From a project conducted by SAFE House in Michigan
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