Sometimes problems are hard to solve. Sometimes problems become unsolvable. I used to think the pyramid cube and Rubix cube were unsolvable. Linda of the Litebeing Chronicles asked me to be part of her cosmic retrograde challenge. The challenge was to pull out an old object from long ago and just let it be near you for a few weeks. At the end of that time, we could write about what came up for us–whatever that may be. I chose my pyramid cube. I had this toy since… um … a long time. This … [Read more...] about Remembering Childhood Memories Through a Favorite Toy: A Cosmic Retrograde Challenge
thoughts become things
What is Your Perspective? Positive or Negative?
Wishing on a Shooting Star and the Law of Attraction
I saw two stars shoot across the sky last night. It is always fun to see rare heavenly happenings in the night sky (yes, I made a few wishes.) I always enjoy the beauty of the Earth around us. Seeing beautiful clouds, rainbows, trees, flowers, sunsets ... you name it, I like to admire it in nature (well, there are some bugs we can do without). Then, I started thinking about the occurrence... Was it belief in the law of attraction that I saw them? Was it totally random? Was it premonition? You … [Read more...] about Wishing on a Shooting Star and the Law of Attraction
Do You Love Pasta?
My daughter does. She dared me to write "Pasta" repeatedly in a blog post. I took her dare. Which reminds me of a photo I took one day when my daughter was getting ready to eat pasta. She poured a lot of Parmesan cheese on her pasta and a large clump came out shaped like a heart. That was a cool day. We both do love pasta. Pasta. Pasta. Pasta. Pasta pasta pasta pasta, pasta pasta pasta. Pasta? Pasta, pasta. Pasta. Pasta. Pasta pasta. Pasta. Pasta pasta, pasta pasta pasta. Pasta? Pasta, pasta. … [Read more...] about Do You Love Pasta?
We Are Energetic Beings. Need Proof?
Yes, we are energetic beings. Need proof without having a Kirlian photo of your aura taken? Here is one way you can tell right now ... feel your hair. Our hair is naturally part of us and part of our energy. Notice that your hair does not bother you while it stays connected to you. However, once one small piece of hair falls out and lands on your neck or arm, immediately it tickles your skin. Getting a piece stuck in your shirt can make you wiggle. Why? Well, that little hair became … [Read more...] about We Are Energetic Beings. Need Proof?
How to Send Love
I was recently asked these questions: How do we visualize love for a particular person and send it out into universe? How do we show gratitude to the universe? Here is my opinion… We show love and gratitude to the universe by first starting with loving ourselves. Then we can share our love with the people around us. This causes a ripple effect. A ripple effect is often seen when a random act of kindness is bestowed upon another person. The act of kindness (love) ripples out to another and in … [Read more...] about How to Send Love