Love. Love thyself. Love myself first. I love me. Look in the mirror. Can you say, “I love you” to yourself? Seriously, look in the mirror and try it. Don’t be shy. Say it like you mean it. It took me a long time too. If you practice it enough, it becomes easier. You get more confident and you like yourself more. You love yourself. As women, we are taught to give, give, give and to constantly take care of others. It was hard for me to stop living that way. (Like it was a bad habit, it was hard … [Read more...] about To Love Yourself…
Children Can Easily See Angels … more Proof
Today I was going through my daughter's old drawings and came across one that caught my attention. A lot. I had to share. She had drawn an angel and told me that, this was her "Loving spirit (one of 12 or 13) that came to her to make her feel better and filled her heart with LOVE." I am so glad I wrote it down as she told me. Kids say the most interesting things. My daughter certainly did then and still amazes me today. (I love you darling.) At this point in my life I was not in touch with … [Read more...] about Children Can Easily See Angels … more Proof
How Can I Help my Child Understand Metaphysics?
Guest blog post by Kim Aluise, Intuitive Many people, once they have begun to understand the metaphysical ideal, ask this question. I think it first helps to understand the meaning of metaphysics, and being metaphysical. This can be difficult, because it is often not defined well. If you do a search right now, you will find more than one definition. To the best of my ability, I would define it as a philosophy, where one would seek to know and understand the how's and the whys of the human … [Read more...] about How Can I Help my Child Understand Metaphysics?
Going Deep within the Earth
For the love of caving! I went spelunking the other day for 3 hours (just not long enough!) In the Laural Caverns cave, we traveled 41 stories below ground level. Climbing and crawling, getting dirty and wet. It had just rained the previous night, so a gentle stream guided our way down into the belly of the Earth. Sometimes you could hear the trickle of the stream, sometimes it was so quiet you forgot it was there. I felt like someone from the movie, Journey to the Center of the … [Read more...] about Going Deep within the Earth
Sometimes it Is the Little Things That Matter in a Past Life Regression
Small things we notice during a past life regression can have great meaning in our lives. While remembering being Jezebel, a lifetime as a little girl in Eastern Europe, I noticed I had on a pair of warm socks. Being only five years old and experiencing a scary time, I tried to focus on something that made me happy. Socks. Seems silly and insignificant, I know, but those socks were keeping me warm. It was early spring and the weather had not warmed … [Read more...] about Sometimes it Is the Little Things That Matter in a Past Life Regression
Clear Your Throat Chakra
Speaking your truth ... communicating in an open easy manner with others ... expressing yourself creatively. These are a few examples of what it feels like if your throat chakra is nice, clear and open. What do I mean by clear? Visually, a chakra is generally a round sphere of clear energy. If there is any issues or things blocked, there will be gray spots or shadows in the energy of the chakra. The Throat Chakra is located in, well, your throat and neck region. Sometimes it is referred to … [Read more...] about Clear Your Throat Chakra