I remembered a lifetime where love was a way of living. Food was grown with love. Clothing was made from flowers—I wore a beautiful white shimmering dress I adored. There was trust in everyone and everything. We used intuition for all decisions. Doors were always open. Random acts of kindness abounded. I taught heart chakra meditation and I loved my job spreading love to the stars. Spirit guides lovingly helped us in our daily lives. Angels were sometimes spotted. The architecture merged … [Read more...] about A Lifetime of Love
We All Have Past Lives
Some past lives are easier to remember than others. Some past lives, I am sure, we would like to re-forget. I know I have one. His story is Chapter 8 in my soon to be published book, Life Is Just Another Class—One Soul's Journey Through Past Life Regression. I was a difficult man, never learning my life lesson during that incarnation. It took me five years to come to terms with this past life. Rest assured, I paid my karmic debt as a female, her story is in Chapter 12. It is never easy to come … [Read more...] about We All Have Past Lives
The Completed Manuscript for My Book: Life Is Just Another Class—One Soul’s Journey Through Past Life Regression
I finished writing and editing my book as far as I can. Now, I wait. I feel great, wonderful, fabulous, fantastic ... I could go on ... Wish me luck as I venture into the publishing part of this process. (Now you know why there has not been a blog post in a while. lol. I missed you too.) … [Read more...] about The Completed Manuscript for My Book: Life Is Just Another Class—One Soul’s Journey Through Past Life Regression
Still Don’t Believe You Have Angels Around You? Ask for a Feather.
I read you can ask for a sign from your angels. Some books I own mention feathers as a sign we can receive from our angels. A few years ago, I decided to ask. Why not, right? I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It is nice to receive confirmation that we are not alone. I have seen them in my past life regressions, why not? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2JrsiizbFo I tested the angels. I decided to ask for a feather to let me know they were around. I cleared my voice, and said … [Read more...] about Still Don’t Believe You Have Angels Around You? Ask for a Feather.
My Daughter’s Guardian Angel Visits with Love
When my daughter was about 4 months old, I saw her spirit guide holding her. It was very late at night. I had just nursed her and laid her down in bed. I kept her bed a few feet from ours. For some reason, I woke up not long after that only to see someone standing and holding my baby. They were swaying with her in their arms while looking down at her lovingly. Surprised at myself—how did I not wake up when she made a sound or was crying? When you are a mother, you wake to the slightest sound … [Read more...] about My Daughter’s Guardian Angel Visits with Love
Trusting Your Intuition May Help You Find Your Soul Mate
I receive many questions on soul mates and soul attraction. These questions triggered my memory of a day forever ago. So long ago, it was way before I started studying and researching past lives, holistic or metaphysical ideals. I walked into a mall to pick up a present for someone and I did not have a lot of time. As soon as I walked in, I saw a man walking by in the distance. I was completely sure I did not know him, but I was strangely drawn to him. The feeling was very strong, emotional. As … [Read more...] about Trusting Your Intuition May Help You Find Your Soul Mate