Do you have questions about past life regression? I am here to help you feel comfortable remembering and healing from your own past lives. James Vitale of Remote Viewing Radio, interviewed me on Blog Talk Radio Tuesday, October 30, 2012. It is a 90 minute show. Click HERE to listen to the replay. Still have a question about past life regression? Post it in the comments... … [Read more...] about Feel Comfortable Remembering and Healing from Your Own Past Lives
past life
Christmas is Coming This Week—The Present? A Deeper Understanding of the Universe.
You know that excited feeling that something wonderful is going to happen ... like Santa is coming with lots of presents and you cannot sleep excitement? That is how I feel about the upcoming movie Cloud Atlas. Christmas comes on October 26th this year for me. That movie resonates so deeply with all the writing I have been doing over the past two years. The belief that we have been here before in other lifetimes and that we will experience future lifetimes is woven so deep within us. I … [Read more...] about Christmas is Coming This Week—The Present? A Deeper Understanding of the Universe.
Early Reviews for: Life is Just Another Class – One Soul’s Journey through Past Life Regression
What people are saying about my book … and it is not even published yet. Thank you! Ellyn ~ I cannot wait to read your book! Andy ~ I like that you are following your dream and am so pleased for you. I can’t wait to have a read. Alethea ~ Sending you much love and blessings for your journey. You are well on the way to getting published. I love learning about my past lives and healing them along the way. What a journey we are all on! Sindy ~ Seeing that book on the bookstore shelves … [Read more...] about Early Reviews for: Life is Just Another Class – One Soul’s Journey through Past Life Regression
The Past meets Present and the Future in CLOUD ATLAS
I am definitely going to see this movie. Plus, I have a good feeling it will be my new FAVORITE! This movie has the same premise as my book, Life is Just another Class—One Soul’s Journey through Past Life Regression. For more information visit:!! Past lifetimes do affect your present life. I have lived it ... and healed by remembering. Cloud Atlas premiers October 26, 2012. I knew I loved Tom Hanks for a reason. [youtube=] … [Read more...] about The Past meets Present and the Future in CLOUD ATLAS
Who is in Your Soul Group?
I totally believe that we incarnate with a soul group. Here is a great analogy for a soul group. Imagine an infinite tree. We each are a leaf on this immense tree. Our leaf sprouts from a stick off a thicker branch. The thicker branch is our soul group, but the stick is our immediate soul group. This small group is made up of the souls we incarnate with on a regular basis. I have recognized several people I have met throughout my current life who have shown up in a past life. Some of it … [Read more...] about Who is in Your Soul Group?
Clues your Past Life is Leaking into your Current Life
Here are clues that one your past lives is leaking into your current life. Read this list and see what resonates with you: An out of the ordinary attraction to certain music, food, styles An unfounded fear (water or flying for example) A fondness to a certain city or country for no apparent reason A recurrent nightmare that you have had since childhood A birthmark Instantly feeling like you knew someone before Déjà vu Loving or loathing a certain time period A few things may have … [Read more...] about Clues your Past Life is Leaking into your Current Life