The Maharishi Effect is the phenomenon of the rise of coherence in the collective consciousness of any community. Scientific research has clearly demonstrated that when one per cent of the population of a city or town practices Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Program, the crime rate significantly decreases. Similarly, when groups of individuals practicing Maharishi’s TM-Sidhi Program equal at least the square root of one per cent of a population, there is a significant reduction of crime … [Read more...] about The Maharishi Effect – The Real Reason Meditation Feels So Good
new age
A Tribute to Dr. Masaru Emoto 1943-2014.
His work was so incredible. Thank you Dr. Masaru Emoto for all your photos and words. His photos are proof of how the energy of water is directly related to the words, feelings and even music that is directed to it, are truly amazing. Thank you Masaru. He gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery, that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness. He is the author of the best-selling books Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in … [Read more...] about A Tribute to Dr. Masaru Emoto 1943-2014.
Constant Reminders that We Are Loved by Angels
Why Are We Here … Again? 16 of My Past Lives to Help Understand
Me, Talking about my Daughter’s Past Life on National TV!!!
What an experience! Missed it on TV, here is the full episode. Well.... it used to be available. Sadly, now it is not. It includes two stories. One about my daughter remembering being killed when a B25 bomber crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945. The second, a very interesting story too, about a boy who remembered being in the military and his involvement with the massacre of Native Americans in the U.S. Watch LMN for Ghost Inside My Child - Season 2 Episode 1 Premiere. More on the … [Read more...] about Me, Talking about my Daughter’s Past Life on National TV!!!
My Daughter Shares Her Story on National TV…Children can Heal from Remembering a Past Life
What would you do if your daughter remembered being inside the Empire State Building when a plane crashed into it? I listened. My daughter was remembering a past life. In preparing for a flight with her for the first time, she was afraid to fly. So, one evening, using the information I have learned over the years (that kids can spontaneously remember a past life, just by asking them an open-ended question) I asked her, "What do you think will happen if you fly in a plane?" She responded with … [Read more...] about My Daughter Shares Her Story on National TV…Children can Heal from Remembering a Past Life