Have you ever wondered... Can you really heal from remembering a past life? Can you have the near death experience without really dying? Do you watch over your loved ones after death? The answer is yes to all these questions. How do I know? I have experienced it over and over through past life regression. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. If you have any questions on how past life regression works, etc. please post them in the comment section here and I will try my best to answer … [Read more...] about Learn About and Experience a Past Life
new age
Glimpses Into the Past
Glimpses into the past, Memories now that will last. Heal the mind, body, soul. Saturate that once empty hole. Looking back, Opening your eyes, Understanding these missing ties. Forever now, Forward going, The time has come to Begin your sowing. Past, present, future We’re all on this ride. However, it is all in What you decide. By my fabulous friend Jamie Bushman Jamie wrote this poem for me late one night. She thought it would go great with my book: Life is Just Another Class … [Read more...] about Glimpses Into the Past
My Mandala
During the week of September 12, 2011, I began to put together my website, my business cards and a few social media sites. I quickly realized I needed a photo or some kind of cool image. I sat at my computer thinking of what I could possibly use. I looked up and saw my mandala hanging on the wall. “Hmmm,” I thought, “That might work.” It was my very own mandala. I had just come back from a fabulous weekend conference sponsored by the Hay House (a publisher). They said all new and emerging … [Read more...] about My Mandala
Somebody That I Used to Know
Every time I hear this fabulous song by Gotye, I think of all my work learning about and learning from my past lives. Each one of my incarnations is somebody I used to know. I knew them from the time they were born until the day they died and thereafter. I have been in the body of man and woman alike. http://youtu.be/8UVNT4wvIGY Today, I am editing Chapter 17 “Entering the Past” for my book Life is Just another Class – One Soul’s Journey through Past Life Regression. I just looked at the word … [Read more...] about Somebody That I Used to Know
WHAT THE HECK IS Xenoglossy?
Xenoglossy is the ability to speak a language that is, under normal consciousness, unfamiliar. Xenoglossy can happen when undergoing a past life regression. It does not happen very often, but it is very cool when it does. This morning I am trying to remove all traces of those pesky passive tense verbs. I am working on Chapter 4 “Oogiwah” for my book Life is Just another Class – One Soul’s Journey through Past Life Regression now. As you can tell, I skip around when I am working on my book. (It … [Read more...] about WHAT THE HECK IS Xenoglossy?
What can you do the next time your children fight? Use the law of attraction teaching: Life is what you focus upon. Maybe your kids are calling each other names? Ok. It is normal, once in awhile, for siblings to verbally fight, but it is annoying. You want your kids to get along, love and support one another every day. Here is an easy solution that you will see surprising results instantly: Have each child list 5 to 10 reasons why they love each other. If you are really frustrated with them, … [Read more...] about METAPHYSICAL MOTHERING: Law of Attraction