There is so much out there to learn in life. Why are we here? What is my life purpose? What is my soul's journey? I think we all have asked these questions of ourselves at some point in our lives. Physics and common societal teachings constantly correspond: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction Do unto others as you would have do unto you Karma ~ the law that brings back the results of actions to the person performing them What goes up must come down We get these … [Read more...] about Life is The Classroom for Learning – WOW, We Live in a Big School
new age
What Did Past Life Regression Solve for Me?
While I have healed on so many levels and in so many ways, it still comes back to what made me so passionate to get started in all of this. It all leads back to this story: I was diagnosed with asthma around 1997. I was known to take up to six different medications when I would get a cold or asthma flare-up since that time. I never liked taking so much medication, but I needed to breathe. Asthma is an extremely frustrating dis-ease. In 2004, I read Carol Bowman’s book, Children’s Past Lives. … [Read more...] about What Did Past Life Regression Solve for Me?
Clues your Past Life is Leaking into your Current Life
Here are clues that one your past lives is leaking into your current life. Read this list and see what resonates with you: An out of the ordinary attraction to certain music, food, styles An unfounded fear (water or flying for example) A fondness to a certain city or country for no apparent reason A recurrent nightmare that you have had since childhood A birthmark Instantly feeling like you knew someone before Déjà vu Loving or loathing a certain time period A few things may have … [Read more...] about Clues your Past Life is Leaking into your Current Life
Our Angels were Definitely with us During my Heart Chakra Meditation Class!
My heart chakra meditation class yesterday was a heavy dose of positive love! Our angels were definitely there helping us ~ Just as the meditation timer sounded, the time left read 14:44 and then our candle went out. The number 444 means that Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear—all is well. What a fantastic way to end a … [Read more...] about Our Angels were Definitely with us During my Heart Chakra Meditation Class!
Send Love to the Universe via your Heart Chakra
A long time ago, in another lifetime, I was a metaphysical teacher. I taught a three-hour meditation to young children that culminated in our group reaching such a high vibration that we were able to see spirit guides and angels. These angels were working with us to spread love throughout the universe. My classroom was white with light-colored wooden floors. Everyone dressed in comfortable, white clothing. Beautiful music filled the room. The ceiling glowed in a wonderful shade of lime green. … [Read more...] about Send Love to the Universe via your Heart Chakra
Waves at the Ocean ~ Breath of the Earth
While meditating on the beach breathing in the warm salt air ... Breathe in ... Splash ... Breathe out ... Splash. Waves moving rhythmically against the beach are the Earth’s breath. Each time the wave hits the shoreline, it is likened to a nice long breath. Slow. Even. Meditatively long yoga breaths. These relaxing, repetitive waves are constantly in motion. They never stop. The water is always in motion. Just like the breath of each human, it is an instinctive, involuntary action. … [Read more...] about Waves at the Ocean ~ Breath of the Earth