Have you ever experienced a relationship that was not working in a positive way or even toxic? Are you looking for the path to healing? How do you move on from this relationship in a spiritual sense .... ie. How do you break the unseen ties that bind you? Maybe you have not moved on yet, but you are looking for help. Maybe this person was not in a relationship with you, but possibly it was a hurtful, bad event (like molestation or rape) and you want to continue to heal from that. We are all … [Read more...] about How to Break Bad Relationship Patterns from this Life and Previous Lives
Déjà vu and the Love Bracelet – a Guidepost to My Life’s Purpose
We have all had some form of déjà vu in our lives. Déjà vu is that strangely eerie feeling that what you are doing has already happened. It is that oddly familiar feeling that you really have done this (whatever it is) already. The other day my daughter and I were in New York City. We took a day to walk around and enjoy whatever we came upon. We walked down one street and I noticed there was a small shop with the name in French which drew me in right away. (I wish I could remember the name of … [Read more...] about Déjà vu and the Love Bracelet – a Guidepost to My Life’s Purpose
To Love Yourself…
Love. Love thyself. Love myself first. I love me. Look in the mirror. Can you say, “I love you” to yourself? Seriously, look in the mirror and try it. Don’t be shy. Say it like you mean it. It took me a long time too. If you practice it enough, it becomes easier. You get more confident and you like yourself more. You love yourself. As women, we are taught to give, give, give and to constantly take care of others. It was hard for me to stop living that way. (Like it was a bad habit, it was hard … [Read more...] about To Love Yourself…
Children Can Easily See Angels … more Proof
Today I was going through my daughter's old drawings and came across one that caught my attention. A lot. I had to share. She had drawn an angel and told me that, this was her "Loving spirit (one of 12 or 13) that came to her to make her feel better and filled her heart with LOVE." I am so glad I wrote it down as she told me. Kids say the most interesting things. My daughter certainly did then and still amazes me today. (I love you darling.) At this point in my life I was not in touch with … [Read more...] about Children Can Easily See Angels … more Proof
On Being Too Nice and Giving Too Much
On being too nice.... This poem is dedicated to those women out there who give, give and give. For those who put themselves last. For those who depend upon another person's happiness for their own happiness. For those who are learning to put themselves first, to do things that make them happy and those learning to be open to receive. I send my love to you.. The Rag Doll by Karen Kubicko "The rag doll has a permanent smile sewn on her face Always appearing happy She lets you touch her, … [Read more...] about On Being Too Nice and Giving Too Much
The Quiet of the Soft Snow Falls Gently
It is snowing big, beautiful flakes of soft snow outside today! I love to watch the snow fall gently from the sky. It is quiet. Serene. It blankets the Earth. It makes it appear like a large blank canvas ... just waiting for splashes of color to be added to the landscape. … [Read more...] about The Quiet of the Soft Snow Falls Gently