Today I was going through my daughter's old drawings and came across one that caught my attention. A lot. I had to share. She had drawn an angel and told me that, this was her "Loving spirit (one of 12 or 13) that came to her to make her feel better and filled her heart with LOVE." I am so glad I wrote it down as she told me. Kids say the most interesting things. My daughter certainly did then and still amazes me today. (I love you darling.) At this point in my life I was not in touch with … [Read more...] about Children Can Easily See Angels … more Proof
How to Meditate – Start with Just ONE Minute
How do you meditate? There are thousands of ways. The important thing is to not try. Trying to meditate stops the process of relaxing. Allow the process to just happen! For me, meditating took a looooong time of: trying ... reading about it ... trying ... giving up for a while ... reading some more ... trying walking meditation ... (Felt silly to me, how can you meditate when you have to watch where you are going?) giving up for a very long while again ... learning about guided … [Read more...] about How to Meditate – Start with Just ONE Minute
Sometimes it Is the Little Things That Matter in a Past Life Regression
Small things we notice during a past life regression can have great meaning in our lives. While remembering being Jezebel, a lifetime as a little girl in Eastern Europe, I noticed I had on a pair of warm socks. Being only five years old and experiencing a scary time, I tried to focus on something that made me happy. Socks. Seems silly and insignificant, I know, but those socks were keeping me warm. It was early spring and the weather had not warmed … [Read more...] about Sometimes it Is the Little Things That Matter in a Past Life Regression
Bienvenue! Bienvenue! French During a Past Life Regression
Today, I had a regression with a little xenoglossy... Okay, I am pretty excited ... If you know me much at all, you know I love France and all things French since I was very young. Through my work with past life regression, I know why ... I had a past life there, quite posh, living in Nice in 1795 AD. I heard a lot more French being said, but I did not understand all of it. Here is what I did understand: On the day I died in that life, my daughter saw my spirit. We made eye contact. I said to … [Read more...] about Bienvenue! Bienvenue! French During a Past Life Regression
Hypnosis Is a Natural State of Mind
Hypnosis is just focused concentration. You do it every day. Have you ever driven your car and ended up at home, not remembering the journey? Have you ever been writing your blog and someone walks up behind you, causing you to jump out of your chair? Have you ever been in the middle of reading that next great book and a loud noise causes you to let out a scream? If you have experienced any of the above, you have been in a hypnotic state. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. Depending upon … [Read more...] about Hypnosis Is a Natural State of Mind
Who is in Your Soul Group?
I totally believe that we incarnate with a soul group. Here is a great analogy for a soul group. Imagine an infinite tree. We each are a leaf on this immense tree. Our leaf sprouts from a stick off a thicker branch. The thicker branch is our soul group, but the stick is our immediate soul group. This small group is made up of the souls we incarnate with on a regular basis. I have recognized several people I have met throughout my current life who have shown up in a past life. Some of it … [Read more...] about Who is in Your Soul Group?