You know, I have always loved the Roaring 1920s. Always. I am not sure exactly when I started liking this era, but it seems like forever. I have always wanted to have my hair fixed in a cute little finger wave bob. (Goodness knows, I have tried.) But why? Since I was in grade school, I have loved the 1920s anything. I used to say, “I must have had a past life in the 1920s.” I never knew that for sure until a few years ago when I remembered being Helen Merkowitz who died tragically in … [Read more...] about The Great Gasby and My Life in the 1920s
Do You Have Questions on Past Life Regression?
Let me help you feel more comfortable remembering your own past lives... I am excited to announce I was interviewed on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 8 pm EST by Brad Simkins of the Inner Guide Empowerment Blog Talk Radio Show. We discussed how life truly is just another class and the healing that can happen through remembering past lives. I shared the account of my soul’s journey through life, death and going into the light and how it has healed me on multiple levels in the hopes that I will … [Read more...] about Do You Have Questions on Past Life Regression?
The Wavelength of LOVE
In talking with a good friend of mine the other day, I made a realization. We vibrate at the level of what we attract. Truly. As I mentioned in my recent post, we thusly repel what is not vibrating at our level. Positive things attract more positive things—that is the basis of the Law of Attraction. (Thank you Esther, Jerry and Abraham Hicks.) Like attracts Like. Fear attracts Fear. These talks made me recall the image of the wavelength of love I had been shown by a healing angel. I visited … [Read more...] about The Wavelength of LOVE
On Picking a New Lifetime – The Slide Show of Choices
After re-experiencing a past life death, I see the Light. It shimmers in gold and oozes love. I wanted to know more. I wanted to walk in through. One day, not that long ago, I did. I thought it would be hard, but it was not. My fabulous, awesome, loving, patient, (I could keep going) spirit guides led the way. After walking through the light and visiting with the Healing Angels, I walk out into the rest of Heaven. I see gardens and a long walkway. My guides told me that I was only ready to see … [Read more...] about On Picking a New Lifetime – The Slide Show of Choices
You Chose this Life
You chose your life and all its trials and tribulations. (Hard to fathom, right!) In my book, Life Is Just Another Class—One Soul’s Journey Through Past Life Regression, I have written the stories of sixteen of my past lives. Over the past two months, I walked in through the light at the end of each of these past lives and caught glimpses of my next lifetimes. I added this information to my book (plus 8000 more words - eek!) I chose this life and all the ones I have experienced before. We all … [Read more...] about You Chose this Life
Life Is Good … But it Gets Better When You Start to See the Synchronicity
Synchronicity. In the past six months or so, I have noticed the word synchronicity a lot. A lot is an understatement. It is more than once a day. Tonight, I am working on adding what happens once I go into The Light in between the sixteen lifetimes I include in the book I am nearly finished writing. I have ten lifetime chapters updated so far. During the in between life period, I am able to chat with my spirit guides and on occasion, angels. It is as though they are sitting in my living … [Read more...] about Life Is Good … But it Gets Better When You Start to See the Synchronicity