What does it feel like to remember a past life?
For me, it is similar to looking at an old photo, let’s say … of a party. Once you see the picture, you remember the people featured and what the party celebrated. Then, upon thinking more about that party, you can remember more and more details.
You may remember:
- Who came that is not shown in the photo
- What you wore
- A song that played
- What time of year it was
- The emotions of that day
- And maybe a little back story on a close friend or relative that attended
If you think really hard about it, you may remember days before that party and all the preparations made for the party. You may remember what happened after all the guests left and the clean-up afterwards. Then, there may be a memory or two of weeks or months later when you reminisced with a friend about the party.
Yah, it is kind of like that. Remembering a past life is like remembering a party from a long time ago. It is just another memory from all your days gone by. They are just memories with a twist; they are of a past life. Just like a party, some of the memories are pleasant some are not.
There are a few differences though (beyond the obvious fact that we are comparing a current life to past lives).
The two main differences are strong emotions and healing. Remembering a past life is emotional. Crying is usually involved. Sometimes they are tears of joy. Sometimes they are tears that could never be shed before.
I have regressed those who say they rarely, if ever, cry. I always have tissues ready anyway. They often cry the hardest … there are so many pent up emotions, especially by those who do not usually cry.
Even the men cry.
Remembering a past life is healing in and of itself. Just remembering a snippet of a past life can be healing. Writing my book about my past lives has been healing. Every time I work with my past lives (via meditation or a regression) I recognize some relevant connection in my current life. It has explained relationships, likes, fears and more.
Can you remember your 10th birthday party? Who was there? What kind of cake did you have?
You can remember anything you want.