Many metaphysical or holistic teachings say we are all one—in spirit. Some go so far as to say that when you look into another’s eyes you are looking at yourself. It is hard to fathom.
I attended a workshop with Dr. Brian Weiss last year. (Yes, he is awesome!)
Brian gave a great analogy for how we are all one—here it is summarized: Visualize a bowl of water.
Two different trays of ice are dumped into one bowl of water. One group of ice thinks they are better than the other tray.
They fight about it, even turning to war.
Eventually, all the ice cubes melt into the water and thus become one with the water.
There is no separation.
They can turn into steam or water vapor, but still they are all H2O molecules.
Later, they are all reborn in new trays of ice.
Basic Lesson: All souls are inherently connected … We are all one.
We are one. The water/ice/steam/vapor are our souls.
Let’s take it one step further—from a bowl of ice to the ocean.
We are like one drop in the ocean, while separate; we are still together as one. We become part of the whole ocean—as one.
We are love made from Unconditional Love that is God here on Earth to live as love.
We just have to grasp the concept of oneness to connect with our soul, only then we can live from love.
It is told to us over and over again: Love one another as you love yourself. Treat others, as you would like to be treated. For each action, there is an opposite reaction. Karma. The Golden Rule. etc. etc. There are many ways to say the same thing … and we hear these sayings throughout our lives.
Truly though, it is loving ourselves when we love another in an equal way … as one.