Speaking your truth … communicating in an open easy manner with others … expressing yourself creatively.
These are a few examples of what it feels like if your throat chakra is nice, clear and open.
What do I mean by clear? Visually, a chakra is generally a round sphere of clear energy. If there is any issues or things blocked, there will be gray spots or shadows in the energy of the chakra.
The Throat Chakra is located in, well, your throat and neck region. Sometimes it is referred to as Vishuddha or the 5th chakra. It is related to speaking as well as hearing … the things you need for proper communication.

It is a nice clear blue color. By simply wearing the color blue, wearing blue jewelry or carrying blue stones or crystals in your pocket can help heal this chakra.
Interestingly, the mantric sound associated with the throat chakra is ‘hum‘. Singing, humming and speaking all help open this chakra.
A blocked throat chakra can lead to health issues that include your throat, voice problems, teeth, mouth issues, etc. Another sign is that you find it hard to communicate how you really feel or you may feel unable to express yourself creatively.
I enjoy working with the chakras. One weekend out with a group of girls, we talked about balancing the chakras. I had brought my chakra healing collection with me. It includes a pendulum, essential oils and my list of positive affirmations. The process includes checking the percentage of closure for each chakra before and after using the affirmations and essential oils.
Surprisingly nearly everyone that day had a closed or nearly closed throat chakra.
Throat Chakra Affirmations ~ As you focus on the throat chakra, say this statement aloud, clearly … with meaningful intent.
I speak my personal truth from light and love—and with love, I communicate clearly. I support my voice. The force between the heart and mind is balanced. I am able to express my feelings.