As you focus on each chakra, say these statements aloud, clearly … with meaningful intent.
Crown Chakra –
I am connected to a greater consciousness.
3rd Eye Chakra –
I am in touch with my inner light. I trust what comes to me.
Throat Chakra –
I speak my personal truth from light and love—and with love, I communicate clearly. I support my voice. The force between the heart and mind is balanced. I am able to express my feelings.
Heart Chakra –
I breathe in life through love. I give and receive with love and gratitude. I support my ability to breathe in life and support a balanced, aligned heart. I am connected above and below.
Solar Plexus Chakra –
I have a positive self-image. I am self-empowered. I have personal power. My metabolism works very well for my body. I am one with myself.
Sacral Chakra –
My creative life force energy pulses through me to support balance and stabilized health. I connect to others through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. I enjoy my creative life energy.
Root Chakra –
I am grounded. I am safe. I am supported. I have the right to be alive.
Related Reading: Chakra Universe by Bluebutterfliesandme