Why do I love the little pink lamp with the fringe that hangs way down? What about the cute, short, wavy 1920’s hairstyles – Yes, I love them lots. Hearing the French language makes me melt. Oui, mon amie, pour sûr. Bracelets – I have to have them. The sound of the harpsichord nearly brought tears to my eyes the first time I heard it on the AM channel. At that time, I did not even know what the instrument was. I remember the moment I heard it as a child. I am sitting on the floor of my bedroom … [Read more...] about Why Do We Love Obscure, Odd Little Things?
Do We Pick Our Name for Each Lifetime?
(Today I am working on Chapter 20 “From the Other Side” for my book: Life is Just another Class – One Soul’s Journey through Past Life Regression. I thought I would share this with you.) I believe we visit our parents in spirit before we are born. Do we somehow “inspire” them to give us a certain name? I think we do. I have had four lifetimes where my first name had Anna in it: I was Annabelle three different times/places and I was Anna once. My middle name (current life – that makes five) is … [Read more...] about Do We Pick Our Name for Each Lifetime?
What can you do the next time your children fight? Use the law of attraction teaching: Life is what you focus upon. Maybe your kids are calling each other names? Ok. It is normal, once in awhile, for siblings to verbally fight, but it is annoying. You want your kids to get along, love and support one another every day. Here is an easy solution that you will see surprising results instantly: Have each child list 5 to 10 reasons why they love each other. If you are really frustrated with them, … [Read more...] about METAPHYSICAL MOTHERING: Law of Attraction
Angels are Beings of Light that Shine Unconditional Love on Us.
Yesterday while working on my book, I received a very clear message from my angels that they are around me. How do I know, you ask? Let me tell you … I am writing a book about sixteen of my past lives. In the past few weeks, I have rearranged chapters and added new chapters to better relay what I experienced without interrupting the retelling of each past life. Yesterday, I was working on a chapter called “From the Other Side.” In it, I talk about all the times that I have seen how loved ones … [Read more...] about Angels are Beings of Light that Shine Unconditional Love on Us.
Angels in Our Life
When my daughter was a toddler, she was sick with a fever. This was not usual for her, as she rarely got sick. We were nervous since fevers can be harsh on a small child. The pediatrician said we could give her acetaminophen, but I did not have any in the medicine cupboard for her weight. My husband nervously agreed to watch our two small children while I went to the grocery store to buy more. I had not been out of the house in days, since we had experienced a lot of snow and ice lately. It was … [Read more...] about Angels in Our Life
Can I Inspire You?
Have you ever wondered: Can you really heal from re-experiencing a past life? Have you shared a past life with someone from this lifetime before? What does death feel like? What happens immediately after you die? Can you have a near death experience without really dying? Do you watch over your loved ones after death? Do your spirit guides, angels and deceased loved ones greet you when you go into the light? What can be expected from a past life regression? The answers to these questions and … [Read more...] about Can I Inspire You?