Close your eyes. Breathe in and out slowly. On the in-breath say, "I breathe in love." On the out-breath say, "I breathe out stress and worry." Allow yourself to relax each muscle as you do so. Continue to breathe with these words as a simple one-minute meditation. Even if it is only for a minute, your body and mind benefits greatly. … [Read more...] about A Simple Meditatation – Just One Minute Benefits your Mind and Body
Think Positive Every Day
THINK POSITIVE If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don’t If you like to win, but you think you can’t, It is almost certain you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost For out of the world we find, Success begins with a fellow’s will-- It's all in the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are, You’ve got to think high to rise, You’ve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life’s battles don’t always go To the stronger or … [Read more...] about Think Positive Every Day
Love All Creatures Great and Small on Land and in the Waters ~ Messages From the Mural
Love all creatures great and small on land and in the waters. I really believe that. The animals of the world are (for the most part) meant to remind us of unconditional love—especially domesticated animals. Unique and beautiful animals are awesome to watch and admire. There are so many species in the world. Some are microscopic, some are larger than a building. There is such diversity, making our world special. (I love them all except for spiders ... I am known to squish them. The basis of … [Read more...] about Love All Creatures Great and Small on Land and in the Waters ~ Messages From the Mural
Random Acts of Kindness … Messages From the Mural
In this portion of the school mural, I painted this scene as a dedication to my son. He is practicing a random act of kindness. My son is a sweet soul, so it is fitting for him. I like how the gold paint gives the wings a little bit of shimmer. I really prefer oil paint, but painting this mural helped me garner a better understanding and appreciation for acrylics. It was a lot of fun to mix and blend the colors. Sears donated a pallet of random discontinued house paint. Lowe's also provided a … [Read more...] about Random Acts of Kindness … Messages From the Mural
A Lifetime of Love
I remembered a lifetime where love was a way of living. Food was grown with love. Clothing was made from flowers—I wore a beautiful white shimmering dress I adored. There was trust in everyone and everything. We used intuition for all decisions. Doors were always open. Random acts of kindness abounded. I taught heart chakra meditation and I loved my job spreading love to the stars. Spirit guides lovingly helped us in our daily lives. Angels were sometimes spotted. The architecture merged … [Read more...] about A Lifetime of Love
I Love You … Messages From the Mural
A few years ago, I took on the task of organizing and completing two 17 foot long murals inside a local school. Their walls were very ... institutional ... and in need of some color. One mural I call: Flowers and Fairies. The other wall's mural I call: Fun with Science. It took approximately two school years (plus a few awesome volunteers and paint donations) to complete them. The kids enjoyed watching the progress. This little fairy is just a small portion of one wall. I painted it to … [Read more...] about I Love You … Messages From the Mural