Today, I had a regression with a little xenoglossy... Okay, I am pretty excited ... If you know me much at all, you know I love France and all things French since I was very young. Through my work with past life regression, I know why ... I had a past life there, quite posh, living in Nice in 1795 AD. I heard a lot more French being said, but I did not understand all of it. Here is what I did understand: On the day I died in that life, my daughter saw my spirit. We made eye contact. I said to … [Read more...] about Bienvenue! Bienvenue! French During a Past Life Regression
Being Love
“As you dissolve into Love, your ego fades. You’re not thinking about loving; you’re just being Love, radiating like the sun.” ~ Ram Dass … [Read more...] about Being Love
Trust What You Receive
Trust is the most important thing to have when it comes to remembering a past life. If you want to remember a past life, you will need to trust the information that you receive. Trust the information since it all comes from within you. I compare it to the same as trusting your own intuition. Messages from your intuition (your higher self, your spirit guide, sixth sense, your conscience) come in six main ways. A person uses their intuition or acquires psychic knowledge … [Read more...] about Trust What You Receive
Time from a Heaven Perspective
During a past life regression a few weeks ago I was able to walk in through the light (YES ~ VERY COOL!) There, I had a loving conversation with my spirit guide—it was filled with guidance and words of wisdom. This is just one of them. "Time is of no essence in Heaven." I am working on incorporating this new information about what I saw in the light into my book right now. I wanted to share this with quote with you. This statement was in response to a question asking how those who have … [Read more...] about Time from a Heaven Perspective
Remembering a Past Life Is Like Looking at an Old Photo
What does it feel like to remember a past life? For me, it is similar to looking at an old photo, let's say ... of a party. Once you see the picture, you remember the people featured and what the party celebrated. Then, upon thinking more about that party, you can remember more and more details. You may remember: Who came that is not shown in the photo What you wore A song that played What time of year it was The emotions of that day And maybe a little back story on a close friend or … [Read more...] about Remembering a Past Life Is Like Looking at an Old Photo
Clear Your Throat Chakra
Speaking your truth ... communicating in an open easy manner with others ... expressing yourself creatively. These are a few examples of what it feels like if your throat chakra is nice, clear and open. What do I mean by clear? Visually, a chakra is generally a round sphere of clear energy. If there is any issues or things blocked, there will be gray spots or shadows in the energy of the chakra. The Throat Chakra is located in, well, your throat and neck region. Sometimes it is referred to … [Read more...] about Clear Your Throat Chakra