Many metaphysical or holistic teachings say we are all one—in spirit. Some go so far as to say that when you look into another’s eyes you are looking at yourself. It is hard to fathom. I attended a workshop with Dr. Brian Weiss last year. (Yes, he is awesome!) Brian gave a great analogy for how we are all one—here it is summarized: Visualize a bowl of water. Two different trays of ice are dumped into one bowl of water. One group of ice thinks they are better than the other tray. They fight … [Read more...] about Pour Me a Loving Glass of H2O Oneness
How to Send Love
I was recently asked these questions: How do we visualize love for a particular person and send it out into universe? How do we show gratitude to the universe? Here is my opinion… We show love and gratitude to the universe by first starting with loving ourselves. Then we can share our love with the people around us. This causes a ripple effect. A ripple effect is often seen when a random act of kindness is bestowed upon another person. The act of kindness (love) ripples out to another and in … [Read more...] about How to Send Love
Afraid to Talk About Metaphysics?
I wonder how many people are out there having paranormal or metaphysical or unexplainable experiences and never tell anyone … afraid that others may think they are nuts. I am sure each and every person you have ever met has had something happen to or for them. Like for example, I have a friend. She thinks she may have had a past life in the South (large dress included). She used to have dreams of it. However because of her religious background, she does not think there is such a thing as past … [Read more...] about Afraid to Talk About Metaphysics?
The Great Gasby and My Life in the 1920s
You know, I have always loved the Roaring 1920s. Always. I am not sure exactly when I started liking this era, but it seems like forever. I have always wanted to have my hair fixed in a cute little finger wave bob. (Goodness knows, I have tried.) But why? Since I was in grade school, I have loved the 1920s anything. I used to say, “I must have had a past life in the 1920s.” I never knew that for sure until a few years ago when I remembered being Helen Merkowitz who died tragically in … [Read more...] about The Great Gasby and My Life in the 1920s
Are We All Just One?
Van Gogh and the Madness Song
Was Vincent van Gogh mad? He did stay in a madhouse for a while. In walking through our local art museum, I came across this van Gogh painting. While I was admiring his brushstrokes, I started hearing the Madness song by Muse play in my head. Was this clairaudience? I know it is a popular song on the radio right now, but I thought it was interesting that I heard it while looking at his painting. His brush strokes are pretty fast and thick with paint. He was known to strive to paint one … [Read more...] about Van Gogh and the Madness Song