I was recently asked these questions:
How do we visualize love for a particular person and send it out into universe? How do we show gratitude to the universe?
Here is my opinion…
We show love and gratitude to the universe by first starting with loving ourselves. Then we can share our love with the people around us. This causes a ripple effect.
A ripple effect is often seen when a random act of kindness is bestowed upon another person. The act of kindness (love) ripples out to another and in turn to another … it can continue on indefinitely.
Another way to show gratitude to the universe is by taking care of our land and doing what we can to keep it nice.
Love is a vibration. Unconditional love is the highest, purest form of energy. I believe we generate this loving, vibrating energy from our own heart chakra.
If your intent is to send love out to a particular person or the world, it can happen. Sometimes, they can even feel it. When a group of people prays for someone or sends reiki to someone in need, that person knows when it is happening. They can feel it. It is similar to when you are thinking of someone and suddenly the phone rings and it is them calling. You have connected with them on an energetic level. Love is energy.
Visualize a bubble of love and then send it. I have seen it referred to as sending a pink bubble or green bubble of love. You can visualize it being sent to one person or to the world.
Visualization is simply closing your eyes and imagining a visual of something. Imagine an ever-growing bubble filled with loving energy. Then, visualize sending the bubble of love.
The cool part of sending out love is that you receive it in return. You allow someone else to experience the joy of being able to give.
Send some love today.